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Dem Babaji seng Léier

"Léift a servéiert d'ganz Mënschheet.
Hëlleft jidderengem.
Sief frou. Sidd héiflech.
Sidd eng Dynamo vun irrepressibeler Freed.
Erkennt Gott a Guttheet an all Gesiicht.
Lueft jiddereen.
Wann Dir een net luewe kënnt, loosst se aus Ärem Liewen goen.
Sidd originell. Sidd inventiv. Sidd couragéiert.
Huelt ëmmer erëm Courage.
Net imitéieren. Staark sinn. Sidd oprecht.
Gitt net op d'Krüche vun aneren.
Denkt mat Ärem eegene Kapp. Du selwer sinn.
All Perfektioun an all göttlech Tugend ass an Iech verstoppt:
Entdeckt se der Welt.
Wäisheet ass och schonn an Iech ...
Loosst e glänzen.
Loosst d'Gnod vum Här dech fräi maachen.
Loosst Äert Liewen dat vun enger Rous sinn ... a Rou,
Et schwätzt d'Sprooch vum Parfum."

-Babaji Februar 1984

Wat sinn d'Léier vu Babaji?

Wourecht, Einfachheet a Léift


Babaji huet d'Leit geléiert an der Wourecht, Simplicitéit a Léift ze liewen. Hie war net interesséiert fir eng nei Relioun ze grënnen oder d'Leit an en neie Glawen ëmzewandelen. Hie wollt datt d'Leit hiren eegene Glawen verfollegen a léieren an Eenheet mat all de Leit ze liewen. Hie war komm fir d'Konzept vum Sanatan Dharma nei anzeféieren, d'Iddi datt all Saache verbonne sinn, datt all Glawen a Philosophie si wéi vill Flëss déi an deeselwechten Ozean reesen.





Zentral zu senger Léier waren datt mir eng Mënschheet sinn an datt mir sollten ophalen eis als getrennt ze denken op Basis vun der nationaler Identitéit an aner Konzepter déi eis trennen.


"Jidderee soll d'Nationalitéit vergiessen, mir sinn hei een.

Dëst ass eng universell Famill. Hutt keng Ahnung vun Trennung vun Identitéit; d'Gefiller vun der Trennung ofginn. Déngt d'Leit mat Geescht, Kierper, Räichtum a Gehir."

-Babaji, 16. Dezember 1981.






D'Konzept vum Sanatan Dharma ass d'Natur vun der Schafung selwer. Et ass déi 'Original Relioun' am Sënn datt et d'Essenz vum Liewen ass zënter der Zäit ugefaang huet oder d'Naturgesetzer déi den Universum regéieren. D'Natur vum Feier ass ze brennen a Waasser ze fléissen.


Sanatan Dharma is the spirit of life and nature that bindes all beings as one.  Wourecht gehéiert net zu enger Relioun oder Philosophie, mee alles ass Deel vun engem schéine Ganzt. Babaji probéiert d'Mënschheet iwwer all Divisioun vu Rassen, Kasten a Glawen ze verbannen.


"Ech erkennen keng Kasten a Rennen. Ech gesinn nëmmen eng Mënschheet."

-Babaji, 21. Juni 1982





De Pritam resuméiert brillant e puer vun den Haaptdeeler vum Babaji seng Léier a sengem Buch 'Wourecht, Einfachheet a Léift':


  • All Reliounen kommen aus der selwechter Primordialer Quell

  • All Reliounen féieren zum selwechte Zil - Gott.

  • All Reliounen sinn am Prinzip vun der Wourecht, Einfachheet a Léift agebaut.

  • Déi eenzeg richteg Relioun ass Humanismus. (dh Mënschheet déngen)

  • Haart Aarbecht ass méi wichteg wéi Relioun.

  • Gottes Numm widderhuelen (oder e gëttlechen Numm aus Ärem Glawen oder Traditioun) ass dee beschte Schutz an Zäite vun Ierger.


D'Haidakhan Traditioun


Karma Yoga

Babaji taught that Karma Yoga was the highest yoga in this age. However, the Haidakhan tradition also contains many elements of bhakta yoga or devotion. 'Hard work' and 'Service to humanity' were what Babaji emphasised above everything else.

Nama Japa

Nama japa means to repeat a divine name which is highest for you. This can come from your faith or tradition and it is the name of God, Goddess or Great Spirit which you resonate with the most. Babaji taught that nama japa or repetition of divine names purified the mind and bestowed peace and focus. He taught that the most powerful mantra to use for this age is 'Om Namah Shivay'. This is the core mantra used by Babaji devotees.


Japa can be in different forms; you may sit and chant on beads known as a 'mala' which is basically a type of rosary. You can also say mantras outloud or whisper them or you can sing the mantras. It is also possible to write mantras. However, you prefer to do nama japa, the important thing is to do it with sincerity, with your whole heart and it will bestow great peace and calm. Nama japa is especially important in these times in the world to stay peaceful and centred.


Aarati is a daily ceremony where participants sing and make offerings to the divine. The literal meaning of Aarati is 'that which takes pain away'. Aarati is usually in front of a shrine with photos, statues and pictures of God/Great Spirit/Goddess. For Babaji devotees, the photos and pictures will usually be of Sri Babaji. It is for the individual to choose statues, photos and other objects which most resonate with their own heart. The aarati plate contains an oil lamp made with a ghee and cotton wool wick. There is also a red cloth and a lota of water. Other items which are offered include flowers, perfume, incense, camphor, rice, sandalwood paste (chandan) and vermillion paste (kumkum).


A home aarati is usually less elaborate and simpler than a temple aarati. In a public temple there will be initiated murtis (statues with the awoken essence of the divine) which are cared for a by a trained pujari. The items on the shrine such as the photos and statues are usually washed and dried each day as part of the ritual. Also, perfume, flowers, food (known as 'prasad' which is blessed food) incense and other items are all offered to the shrine.


These are songs sung to the divine and the singing of bhajans and kirtan invokes peace of mind and inner calm. This is a core part of the Haidakhan tradition. Singing bhajans and kirtan gives peace and bliss to a person. In Haidakhan Ashrams bhajans and kirtan happens in the morning and evening as part of the aarati ceremony.

Fire Ceremony

The fire-ceremony, or yagna, is a thanksgiving to the divine and Mother Earth. When you give offerings to the sacred fire, it is a direct route to the divine to worship or honour the aspects of the divine you seek to. Havan is a deeply healing ritual which brings great blessings to people and the land.


In Vedic scriptures Agni is the God of fire and is seen as the 'mouth of the Gods/Goddesses'. Each offering to Agni has a mantra followed by the word 'swaha' which means 'I offer to the divine'. In many parts of the world, especially India and South America, sacred fire ceremonies are performed to bless and promote the growth of the crops. Scientific research has been carried out to show how the fire ceremony can stimulate the growth of crops and plants.


Navaratri is a nine day sacred fire festival to honour the Divine Mother. The literal translation means 'Nine Nights'. It takes place in the Spring and also in the Autumn each year. Navaratri commences on the new moon.


The nine days have different aspects of the Goddess which are honoured on each particular day. These nine names are called Nava Durga which means the '9 names of Durga'. Durga is a Mother Earth like Goddess. During Navaratri it is common for people to perform certain austerities to help their spiritual growth. The type of austerity, sometimes referred to as 'tapas' can be whatever you feel you need to do e.g. a vow of silence for certain times of the day, a period of fasting or just eating one meal a day, a time to give up smoking or drinking or abstain from coffee or tea. It is not fixed, it is up to each individual to choose to give up or reduce something during the 9 day period.


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