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Welcome to Babaji’s World!
Here you can find updated information about Haidakhan Babaji, His teachings and His centers worldwide.
There are books, photos, music, and videos to see and download, with inspiring stories of devotees sharing their spiritual connection with Babaji.
Offered by the Bhole Baba Sanga, an international initiative assisting devotees and seekers to discover Babaji already present in their hearts.

About Us
What is the Bhole Baba Sangha?
Bhole Baba means 'Simple Father' and is an affectionate named used to refer to Sri Haidakhan Babaji. A love of simplicity and simple living was at the heart of his teachings.
Sangha means community. So put together, the words "Bhole Baba Sangha" means the Community of the Simple Father.
Truth, Simplicity and Love
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